
Racist crime in the EU: increasing, under-reported, destroying lives

  Civil society organisations across the EU report an increase in racist crimes in 2013, in particular against Black and Asian ethnic minorities, Roma, Jews and Muslims – or those perceived as such, according to the European Network Against Racism’s latest Shadow Report on racist crime in Europe, covering 26 European countries. »

What a surprise! No equal opportunities in jobs for ethnic and religious minorities in Europe

What a surprise! No equal opportunities in jobs for ethnic and religious minorities in Europe

For Black people, Roma, Muslims, migrants from non-EU countries, and women with a minority or migrant background living in Europe, discrimination is a major obstacle when looking for a job. Even once in employment, things don’t get better. This is the conclusion of ENAR’s 2012/13 Shadow Report on racism and discrimination in employment in Europe, released ahead of International Day Against Racial ... »

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is on the 21st of March is to propagate the importance and necessity of the coexisting different cultures, to provide help in getting to know and accept each other and to commemorate to all those people who spent their whole lives with fighting against racism. The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in 20... »

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Brussels, 27 January 2014 – Today is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Anti-racist organisations are seriously concerned about the prevalence of anti-Semitism in Europe and pledge to join forces to curb racism in European society, whoever the victims may be.  »

21st of March- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

21st of March- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

On  21st of March,  Subjective Values Foundation in cooperation with Europe Point held the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The goal of this year’s program was to highlight the Roma issues in the European Union and the official launching of the No Hate Speech Movement Campaign. The event started with the introduction of the National Campaign Committee held by Kristóf... »

U-CARE – Urban Culture Against Racism in Europe

U-CARE – Urban Culture Against Racism in Europe

Foundation of Subjective Values is a member of U-CARE – Urban Culture Against Racism in Europe project, where 11 organisations in 8 countries across Europe join forces and pool their knowledge to combine an anti-racist/anti-discrimination peer coaching approach with urban culture and media. Young people with diverse cultural backgrounds (including the national majorities) will be educated in natio... »

The history of fascism in Hungary

The history of fascism in Hungary

The event has been organized on 27th of November and took place in Nagy Diofa utca right next to Masolit books. This supposed to be a conference but the organizers decided to make it as a workshop that everyone could participate, add something and contribute. The organizers of the evening are KLIT organization and Infoshop that were set up half a year ago. However, the place was really nice, full ... »

In commemoration of the Heroes

In commemoration of the Heroes

On the 9th of November Subjective Values Foundation had a very successful event in honor of the international antifascist day at the Europe Point in Millinaris Park. This day is remembered as the “Kristallnacht” in Germany, regarding the events that took place in 1938. The event started at 18:00 o’clock and was organized due to a commemoration of the Hungarian heroes. That night we remembered Raou... »

A movie night at the DocuArt

A movie night at the DocuArt

On the 8th of November Szubjektiv Foundation organized a free movie night at the DocuArt. The event had a nice conversation with the director Erika Szanto, on the life and work of Sztehlo Gabor. After that the movie “Blessed is the match” by Roberta Grossman was shown on the screen. The movie was in English with Hungarian subtitles because the audience that came was mix of Hungarians and foreign p... »

MARS Media Against Racism in Sport- Topic presentation

MARS Media Against Racism in Sport- Topic presentation

MARS gave a good opportunity for media professionals and other people to show their knowledge and practice in a team work. It is very inclusive and intercultural way of producing media content in such topic. »

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