U-CARE – Urban Culture Against Racism in Europe

Foundation of Subjective Values is a member of U-CARE – Urban Culture Against Racism in Europe project, where 11 organisations in 8 countries across Europe join forces and pool their knowledge to combine an anti-racist/anti-discrimination peer coaching approach with urban culture and media.
Young people with diverse cultural backgrounds (including the national majorities) will be educated in national seminars and an international summer academy 2013 to become U-CARE Junior Coaches. They will be empowered to spread the message of increasing mutual understanding and combating racism and discrimination.
Being part of urban youth scenes themselves, they have potentials of reaching other young people that are mostly inaccessible for adults from social majority groups. Thus, the U-CARE Peer Coaches will carry the torch of respecting cultural diversity and deconstructing negative stereotypes on to other young people. Together with them, they will do workshops, run campaigns and create public events making the U-CARE message visible, reaching 1000+ young people all over Europe. After this project, the U-CARE Junior Coaches will be ready to run further activities on their own.
Join the U-CARE summer academy! U-CARE summer camp will take place in Germany for two weeks in August where participants will get trained. After becoming peer-coaches, you will get the opportunity to be paid workshop leaders by applying creativity and producing artistic creations. Interested individuals can contact our staff to inquire more about the U-CARE project (Find the contact details on our web-site).