
MARS Media Against Racism in Sport

MARS Media Against Racism in Sport

MARS, Media Agaisnt Racism in Sports is a joint programme between the European Union and its Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme and the Council of Europe.  More information can be found in the link: This programme provided a great opportunity for media professionals and other people who are interested in Media Against Racism in Sport project to show the range of their pr... »



21 March, Wednesday, 18.00 At European Point   On 21st of March, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, FSV together with the European Point organized debates for  pre-trained teams on the topic “The man is basically a selfish creature”.  The  event outlines its objective to memorialize an International date created by the United Nations, commemorating to ... »

Football Against Racism – action week pictures

Football Against Racism – action week pictures

The Pictures of the Hungarian Mixed Migrant-Slovakian and Roma Team, Friendly Tour against Racism in Bratislva, organised in cooperation with the Hungarian Football Federation and the Mahatma Gandhi Human Rigths Group and The Foundation of Subjective Values.     »

Commemorative day of struggle against fascism

Commemorative day of struggle against fascism

9th November is the commemorative day of struggle against Fascism. The so-called Kristallnacht happened on this day, in 1938. This year, an interactive workshop was held in the Holocaust Memorial House, when guests could talk about the psichology of Fascism and also watch parts from the german movie, called The Wave. Is history really repeating itself? What can fascinate crowds? How does scapegoat... »

International workshop on ’Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe’

International workshop on ’Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe’

In collaboration with the US embassy and the European Commissions Representation the Foundation of Subjective Values in Budapest an international workshop on ’Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe’ was held on the 26th of October 2011. Speakers and representatives from Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary were present alongside 40 guests. Following the opening spee... »

Football Against Racism

Football Against Racism


Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe

Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe

International workshop in Budapest, 2011. October 26, EU Point (Lövőház str. 35. Millenáris Park, Budapest, 1024-H) The increase of right-wing extremism across Central Europe has motivated us to start a new transnational project called “Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Extremism in Central Europe“ in the Czech Republic, Germany (Saxony), Slovakia and Hungary. As prevention is the most effective to... »

“We are here” – goes to Brussels

“We are here” – goes to Brussels

As you know the “We are here” exhibition is a collection of young roma students’ work, it is a kind of self-portrait with messages towards to the majority of the society. After several exhibition all picture were taken to Brussels to the European Parlaiment. The program was called “Cities and regions – joining forces for inclusion of Roma populations” and was organise... »

Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Extremism in Central Europe

Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Extremism in Central Europe

The increase of right-wing extremism across Central  Europe has motivated a few NGOs to start a new transnational project called „Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Extremism in Central Europe“ aimed at combating racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism and other related intolerance such as anti-Roma racism in the Czech Republic, Germany (Saxony), Slovakia and Hungary. We believe that prevention is the ... »

Anti-racism Day 2011.

Anti-racism Day 2011.

Since 1999, Szubjektiv has been celebrating the annual UN Day Against Racism. This year, the opening ceremony of Comics Against Racism was our focus event. The evening also featured “Live Act Folk”, with Reka Nagy, and Dj Dermot (Irie Maffia Soundsystem). The event was organised in close cooperation with Minority Rights Group and the Representation of the European Council in Hungary. S... »

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