21st of March- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

On 21st of March, Subjective Values Foundation in cooperation with Europe Point held the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The goal of this year’s program was to highlight the Roma issues in the European Union and the official launching of the No Hate Speech Movement Campaign. The event started with the introduction of the National Campaign Committee held by Kristóf Téglássy, the key person from the Human Rights Ministry and an introduction of the Council of Europe campaign by Bálint Molnár, the vice director of the European Youth Center Budapest. The program continued with a round-table discussion of experts from ERRC, Ministry of Human Resources, Amnesty International and Roma Club Foundation. Furthermore, SVF used the opportunity to introduce it’s Urban Culture against Racism in Europe (U-CARE) project too. The program hosted the magnificent photo exhibition of Roma Fashion Design, and finished by the exceptional concert of Szilvási Gypsy Folk Band.