
Call for Presentations: Refugee Crisis and Radical Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe

    Abstract Deadline: October 26, 2016 Conference Dates: November 3-4, 2016 Location: Dialogue Platform Association Budapest 1061, Andrássy út 16, 2nd floor Subjective Values Foundation invites scholars, professionals and students to submit presentation proposals for its conference entitled “Refugee Crisis and Radical Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe.” Despite not being major t... »

We are looking for participants for the YOUTH EXCHANGE ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’

YOUTH EXCHANGE ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’ October 2016, 11th( arrival)-20th(departure) LITHUANIA  5 young people (18-25 years old) + 1 group leader (no age limit) per country  Person attending APV will have to attend as a group leader  All the other youth exchange information will be discussed during an APV in Lithuania Description of the project A growing link between anti-sectarianism and hat... »

Comic-star project started

In a partnership with German-Russian Exchange and with the support of EU-Russia Civil Platform, we started a program for youth to combat their daily problems and clonflicts using comic art as a tool. This is an international continuation of the ongoing “Respect” project – The meetings are held in the youth office of H52 and the particiapting youngsters are e... »

No Hate No Hatespeech training course in Ireland

This year’s No Hate Movement training course took place in Cavan, near to Caste Saunderson, Ireland between 15-22 Novembers. From 15 countries 40 participants were coming to Dublin on 15th of November and after a two hours journey we arrived to Castle Saunderson International Scout Centre and the week of learning from and about each other began. The main topic of the training was of course hate sp... »

Munkám Gyümölcse: Ewoca tábor Gömörszőlősön

Véget ért a Gömörszőlősön megtartott kéthetes ifjúsági csereprogramunk, melyen 21 magyar, bosnyák és német hátrányos helyzetű és orientációs problémával küzdő fiatal vett részt. Ahogyan az EU országaiban, úgy Magyarországon is súlyos probléma a fiatalokat érintő munkanélküliség. Minden negyedik 25 év alatti fiatal küzd nehézségekkel a munkaerőpiacon. A jelenség különösen súlyos problémát okoz a ko... »

Német, holland, görög, francia, román és olasz művészek oktattak Gömörszőlősön

Ahogyan az Európai Unió országiban, úgy Magyarországon is súlyos probléma a fiatalokat érintő munkanélküliség. Az EU-ban minden negyedik 25 év alatti fiatal küzd nehézségekkel a munkaerőpiacon. Hollandiában és Németországban a munkanélküliségi ráta (11%), de 2012-ről 2013-ra mintegy 45%-os, drasztikus növekedést mutatott. Romániában, Franciaországban és Magyarországon a szám körülbelül megfelel az... »

Ukrainean asylum seekers in focus

Subjective Values Foundation just joined to a project led by the Human Rights League in Bratislava, which is aiming to do research on people who left Ukraine and trying to stay in V4 countires. The current crisis in our Eastern neighbour is already effecting or region and there is a chance that the flow will even grow in the future. While Hungary is right now facing with a huge wave of refugees ma... »

Recommendations on foreigners’ political participation

In the framework of the project “Fostering political participation and policy involvement of immigrants in 9 Central and Eastern EU countries” the Subjective Values Foundation did analysis on three different topics and we formulated recommendations with a brief situation description. »

Azerbaijani and Hungarian Civil Society Cooperation

Azerbaijani and Hungarian Civil Society Cooperation

Foundation of Subjective Values has initiated a project to build a bridge between the civil societies of Hungary and Azerbaijan . Many NGOs both in Azerbaijan and Hungary will get the platform to share best practices on the fundamental rights.  Delegation of young leaders from Azerbaijan will visit Budapest in April this year. The Head of Foundation of Subjective Values, Marcell Lorincz with Gunel... »

European Librarian Learning Approach – new project started

European Librarian Learning Approach – new project started

Due to the social changes occurred (migration, increase of the population age, more access to cultural issue from the side of disabled and young people), public, educational and cultural institutions are required to modify their action strategies. These new citizens in libraries have their own needs: as a result libraries are converting to community centres. »

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