Roots and Routes

Peer coaching academy

Peer coaching academy

This video was made to promote the Roots and Routes Academy project, where young dance, music and media talents learned to peer-coach each other. A large number of youngsters from the developing world also participated, in cooperation with those born more locally. In a few weeks, a whole set of on-line tools will be published to help the young facilitate artistic production and improve their inter... »

Roots and Routes Summer Camp DVD out soon!

Roots and Routes Summer Camp DVD out soon!

      This DVD is a collection of the material that young dance, music and media talents produced, over the course of the two-week long creative workshop of summer 2010. Videoprofiles, a great music video, a dance movie, and the full recording of the show they performed at VOLT Festival are included. The DVD and the graphic design were edited by Peter Bamugartner, a young and ambiti... »