admin's Posts

Football Against Racism – action week pictures

Football Against Racism – action week pictures

The Pictures of the Hungarian Mixed Migrant-Slovakian and Roma Team, Friendly Tour against Racism in Bratislva, organised in cooperation with the Hungarian Football Federation and the Mahatma Gandhi Human Rigths Group and The Foundation of Subjective Values.     »

Commemorative day of struggle against fascism

Commemorative day of struggle against fascism

9th November is the commemorative day of struggle against Fascism. The so-called Kristallnacht happened on this day, in 1938. This year, an interactive workshop was held in the Holocaust Memorial House, when guests could talk about the psichology of Fascism and also watch parts from the german movie, called The Wave. Is history really repeating itself? What can fascinate crowds? How does scapegoat... »

B e l s ő n é z ő p o n t fotóműhely a telepen

B e l s ő n é z ő p o n t fotóműhely a telepen

  Október 12-én elindult a „Belső nézőpont”  ingyenes fotó-műhely a békásmegyeri  Kékpontban. A projekt az Ökopolisz Alapítvány támogatásával jött létre, a Szubjektív Értékek Alapítvány és Kékpont Drogkonzultációs Központ és Drogambulancia Alapítvány valósítja meg. Decemberig heti egy foglalkozáson találkozik a csapat, szerdánként a Pótkerék klubban. Itt a résztvevők a fotózni tanulnak profi ... »

International workshop on ’Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe’

International workshop on ’Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe’

In collaboration with the US embassy and the European Commissions Representation the Foundation of Subjective Values in Budapest an international workshop on ’Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe’ was held on the 26th of October 2011. Speakers and representatives from Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary were present alongside 40 guests. Following the opening spee... »

Football Against Racism

Football Against Racism


Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe

Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe

International workshop in Budapest, 2011. October 26, EU Point (Lövőház str. 35. Millenáris Park, Budapest, 1024-H) The increase of right-wing extremism across Central Europe has motivated us to start a new transnational project called “Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Extremism in Central Europe“ in the Czech Republic, Germany (Saxony), Slovakia and Hungary. As prevention is the most effective to... »

Képzési program az egyenlő bánásmódért

Képzési program az egyenlő bánásmódért

Interaktív foglalkozásokat indítunközépiskolásoknak a „Képzési program az egyenlő bánásmódért” projekt keretében. A képzés szakmai hátterét az interkulturális- és drámapedagógiai módszerek alkotják: aktív részvétel, élmény- és gyakorlat központúság, kreatív problémamegoldás. A képzés célja: A foglalkozások célja a hátrányos megkülönböztetéssel, sztereotípiákkal, előítéletekkel kapcsolatos problémá... »

Urban Soundscapes

Urban Soundscapes

This Grundtvig Learning Partnership, supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union, brings together non profit organisations from Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, France and Hungary, active in the promotion of cultural and social diversity through the arts and media, under the coordination of Associazione culturale Fabbrica Europa (Firenze, Italy). Aim of this project is to arou... »

Creative inclusion – Dobbantó summer camp in Csillebérc

Creative inclusion – Dobbantó summer camp in Csillebérc

We organized a creative camp for Dobbantó (second chance schools) students from 22th to 25th June. The Dobbantó program is a chance for young people with fewer opportunities, as it provides learning or training opportunities for them. Nearly one hundred participants attended the camp, from all parts of the Hungary. During these 3 days, ten different workshops were held, where students participated... »

Conference on labour market opportunities for migrants

Conference on labour market opportunities for migrants

27 June 2011, Central European University In cooperation with Panta Rhei social research centre, Central European University, the British Council and the British Embassy  a conference on the “Challenges for Labour Market Integration in Hungary: Opportunities and Limits for third country nationals” was organized by the Foundation of Subjective Values. More than fifty participant listened to the res... »

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