
Middle and Eastern Europe learns how immigrants can participate in political life

Middle and Eastern Europe learns how immigrants can participate in political life

At the beginning of September a group of experts from municipal or national institutions from 9 European countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Hungary, and Romania), active members of immigrant communities from these countries and NGOs met in Berlin to learn how advisory bodies for immigrants are organized in Germany.   »

Fostering political participation and policy involvement of migrants on 9 Central and Eastern EU countries

Fostering political participation and policy involvement of migrants on 9 Central and Eastern EU countries

A new project started in 2013 November. The EU Integration Fund financed activity is aiming to increase electoral participation of immigrants – to make sure that immigrants with permanent resident permits have the possibility to be active in political life at local and regional level, and on the other hand that mainstream politics is not xenophobic and completely ignoring interests of the large pa... »

Conference on labour market opportunities for migrants

Conference on labour market opportunities for migrants

27 June 2011, Central European University In cooperation with Panta Rhei social research centre, Central European University, the British Council and the British Embassy  a conference on the “Challenges for Labour Market Integration in Hungary: Opportunities and Limits for third country nationals” was organized by the Foundation of Subjective Values. More than fifty participant listened to the res... »