Extremism and Xenophobia against immigrants in Central Europe

International workshop in Budapest, 2011. October 26, EU Point
(Lövőház str. 35. Millenáris Park, Budapest, 1024-H)
The increase of right-wing extremism across Central Europe has motivated us to start a new transnational project called “Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Extremism in Central Europe“ in the Czech Republic, Germany (Saxony), Slovakia and Hungary.
As prevention is the most effective tool in the fight against such phenomena we decided to highlight the good prevention programs in the four participating countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Germany) as well as look at failures in combating racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and Anti Roma racism. We believe that the mutual exchange of good and bad experience in combating racism and xenophobia would be a good tool to learn from each other and project the experience and knowledge to national policies on combating racism and xenophobia.
The workshop is free to attend, but a registration is needed. Unfortunately we can’t cover any travel or accommodation costs.
Please send your name, e-mail address and working place or organisation to workshop@szubjektiv.org no later than October 21.
Draft program:
9:30 Registration
10:00 Welcome speeches and introduction
10:30 Presentation of OPU-Refugee Aid (CZ), Kutlurbuero (D), Milan Simecku Foundation (SK), Foundation of Subjective Values (HU)
11:30 Coffee break
12:00 Experts presentations: European Roma Right Centre, Mahatma Gandhi Association, Hungarian Helsinki Committee
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Media regulation and hate speech – Center for Independent Journalism and International Organisation for Migration