

  Sajtómeghívó A Mahatma Gandhi Emberi Jogi Egyesület tisztelettel meghívja Önt a 2016-os „European Networking Conference on Equal Access and Volunteering of Migrants, Minorities and Refugees in Sport” elnevezésű konferenciára, mely november 25-26-án kerül megrendezésre Budapesten a Central European University Konferenciaközpontjában. Időpont: 2016. november 25. 9:30-tól 18:15-ig és november ... »

Felhívás Ifjúsági aktivista képzésre Litvániában

A Szubjektív Értékek Alapítvány 18-25 év közötti fiatalokat keres litvániai ifjúsági csereprogramra. Az októberi táborra azokat a fiatalokat várjuk, akik érdeklődnek a társadalmi aktivizmus iránt és szeretnének többet megtudni annak helyi, nemzeti és nemzetközi szinten való működéséről. A Partnerség az Erasmus + támogatásával a No Hate Speech Mozgalom  www.nohatespeechmozgalom keretében történik. ... »

New E-book was published

New E-book was published

In the framework of ELLA (European Librarian and Learning Approach) project a new E-book was published yesterday.  The handbook is containing all relevant information and results of more than a year long cooperation between five countries. We mapped the needs and best practices of librarians’ training in our countries and pointed all positive and negative parts of that. The readers can also ... »

Lunar New Year Festival photo exhibition opened

Lunar New Year Festival photo exhibition opened

We are gladly inviting all interested in the Asian culture and traditions to take a journey back in time and visit our photo exhibition in the Asia Center Budapest about the Lunar New Year Festival and enjoy the various and colorful collection of our photographs.  The event was held in February 10th and we wish everybody good year of the snake, see you next year! »

Photo competition results

Photo competition results

Congratulations to the winners! 1. Adorján Czakó 2. Gyöngyvér Andrásné Bartók 3. Boglárka Éva Zellei »

MARS Media Against Racism in Sport- Topic presentation

MARS Media Against Racism in Sport- Topic presentation

MARS gave a good opportunity for media professionals and other people to show their knowledge and practice in a team work. It is very inclusive and intercultural way of producing media content in such topic. »

MARS Media Against Racism in Sport

MARS Media Against Racism in Sport

MARS, Media Agaisnt Racism in Sports is a joint programme between the European Union and its Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme and the Council of Europe.  More information can be found in the link: www.coe.int/mars This programme provided a great opportunity for media professionals and other people who are interested in Media Against Racism in Sport project to show the range of their pr... »

Photo competition – deadline extension!

Photo competition – deadline extension!

It is still possible to apply to our photo competition. New deadline: 17th September 2012! More details here! »

Intercultural communication through the lens of camera

Intercultural communication through the lens of camera

Photo competition Deadline: 15th of June 2012 Perspektivak.org announces juried nation photo competition on May 20, 2012. European project ‘Perspectives’ founded by the European integration fund, is focused to raise a voice of immigrants living here in Hungary and presents its materials around the idea of immigration and related themes. The theme of the competition, ’Intercultural communication th... »

Professional Translator-journalist Wanted!

Professional Translator-journalist Wanted!

Professional Translator-journalist Wanted! If you are looking to contribute to the Europe-wide project and work in the international environment.There is an opened position for a journalist to translate articles from English to Hungarian  of immigrants living here in Hungary .Please, send us a pdf or word document of your CV and your recent work (preferably published) to perspektivak@szubjektiv.or... »

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