Creative inclusion – Dobbantó summer camp in Csillebérc

Creative inclusion – Dobbantó summer camp in Csillebérc
Creative inclusion – Dobbantó summer camp in Csillebérc
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We organized a creative camp for Dobbantó (second chance schools) students from 22th to 25th June. The Dobbantó program is a chance for young people with fewer opportunities, as it provides learning or training opportunities for them. Nearly one hundred participants attended the camp, from all parts of the Hungary.

During these 3 days, ten different workshops were held, where students participated in a really creative and active way. Some of them made short-movies or wrote a blog, others studied a contemporary dance coreografy, made music or participated in a drama workshop.

Briefly: extremely active days, and a lot of fun.

More info and videos:

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1 Comment

  1. Preach it my brother.

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