
Call for Applications for Migrant Organizations and Community Representatives

    Subjective Values Foundation invites applications from NGOs and community representatives to advocate the interests of migrant groups living in Hungary during consultations with public authorities and administrative bodies, under the auspices of the project “Complex training and mentoring program to strengthen the political participation of migrants.” Who we are looking for: Non-EU c... »

We are looking for participants for the YOUTH EXCHANGE ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’

YOUTH EXCHANGE ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’ October 2016, 11th( arrival)-20th(departure) LITHUANIA  5 young people (18-25 years old) + 1 group leader (no age limit) per country  Person attending APV will have to attend as a group leader  All the other youth exchange information will be discussed during an APV in Lithuania Description of the project A growing link between anti-sectarianism and hat... »

Munkám Gyümölcse: Ewoca tábor Gömörszőlősön

Véget ért a Gömörszőlősön megtartott kéthetes ifjúsági csereprogramunk, melyen 21 magyar, bosnyák és német hátrányos helyzetű és orientációs problémával küzdő fiatal vett részt. Ahogyan az EU országaiban, úgy Magyarországon is súlyos probléma a fiatalokat érintő munkanélküliség. Minden negyedik 25 év alatti fiatal küzd nehézségekkel a munkaerőpiacon. A jelenség különösen súlyos problémát okoz a ko... »

Creative inclusion – Dobbantó summer camp in Csillebérc

Creative inclusion – Dobbantó summer camp in Csillebérc

We organized a creative camp for Dobbantó (second chance schools) students from 22th to 25th June. The Dobbantó program is a chance for young people with fewer opportunities, as it provides learning or training opportunities for them. Nearly one hundred participants attended the camp, from all parts of the Hungary. During these 3 days, ten different workshops were held, where students participated... »

Strategic Event Planning

Strategic Event Planning

This spring, Szubjektiv has been assigned to give seminars at the Arts Management Department of the International Business School, Budapest. The title of the lesson will be “Strategic Event Planning”. Over the course of seven weekly lessons, we will go through the core values of a successful event together. We will discuss many different aspects of event promotion and we will try to find out what ... »

Peer coaching academy

Peer coaching academy

This video was made to promote the Roots and Routes Academy project, where young dance, music and media talents learned to peer-coach each other. A large number of youngsters from the developing world also participated, in cooperation with those born more locally. In a few weeks, a whole set of on-line tools will be published to help the young facilitate artistic production and improve their inter... »