Művészet és kultúra

Media4us journalism workshops

Media4us journalism workshops

Are you a Third Country National IMMIGRANT? Interested in Journalism? Then why not to join the Media4us journalism workshops now!  The workshop is going to be held on 30th of  March at Europe Point from 10:00 to 18:00. Address: Millenáris Park, 1024 Budapest, Lövőház u. 35. For those who are not aware, Media4US2 is the Europe-wide project which is going to be held within years 2011-2012 is focused... »

Media4us project round table discussion

Media4us project round table discussion

Foundation of Subjective Values has invited a number of Third Country National’s organisations to a roundtable conference at our office on, 11th January (Wednesday) 2012, at 10.00 a.m, to discuss an on-going Immigrants’ focused project, called “Media4US2”.Within the time period of December 2011 and November 2012, “Media4US2” project is going to be focused on the role of third country national̵... »

Urban Soundscapes

Urban Soundscapes

This Grundtvig Learning Partnership, supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union, brings together non profit organisations from Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, France and Hungary, active in the promotion of cultural and social diversity through the arts and media, under the coordination of Associazione culturale Fabbrica Europa (Firenze, Italy). Aim of this project is to arou... »

Creative inclusion – Dobbantó summer camp in Csillebérc

Creative inclusion – Dobbantó summer camp in Csillebérc

We organized a creative camp for Dobbantó (second chance schools) students from 22th to 25th June. The Dobbantó program is a chance for young people with fewer opportunities, as it provides learning or training opportunities for them. Nearly one hundred participants attended the camp, from all parts of the Hungary. During these 3 days, ten different workshops were held, where students participated... »

Love Music, Hate Racism

Love Music, Hate Racism

ZARE is a campaign that originated from a British movement, back in the seventies. Music Against Racism was launched in order to involve musicians and the entertainment industry. In Hungary, it was the British Embassy that initiated the adoption of this campaign. Szubjektív applied in an open call for proposals, and we were approved to coordinate an eight-month long series of activities. In the en... »

Art’n’Go presents Coloured Life @ PÉCS2010

Art’n’Go presents Coloured Life @ PÉCS2010

The new project, Art’n’Go, launched in Lille, in September 2009, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union, will provide an opportunity to develop into sustainable productions and to present and promote a cluster of R&R best-practice creative works, representing the richness of cultural diversity within the R&R “family”, at mainstream festivals, between May and ... »

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