• No Hate Speech Roadshow

    Az Európai Ifjúsági Alap támogatásával a Szubjektív Értékek Alapítvány egy 9 helyszínből álló progra...

    No Hate Speech Roadshow
  • Munkám gyümölcse – fenntarthatóság...

    Véget ért a Gömörszőlősön megtartott kéthetes ifjúsági csereprogramunk, melyen 21 magyar, bosnyák és...

    Munkám gyümölcse – fenntarthatósági program fiataloknak

Conference on Volunteering and Migration Mapped Out Volunteer Activities for Refugees in Central Europe

    A number of representatives of organizations working with migrants, professionals, state officials as well as volunteers helping refugees participated in the conference Volunteering and migration – from good to the best stories took pla...

Press invitation

  Press invitation to European Networking Conference on Equal Access and Volunteering of Migrants, Minorities and Refugees in Sport (25. – 26. November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary) The Mahatma Ghandi Human Rights Organization (MGHRO) is pleas...

Péter Nyári Sárkány’s Solo Painting Exhibition

. . On 21 March, 2017, Péter Nyári Sárkány’s solo painting exhibition was opened at the European Youth Centre Budapest, as part of an event organized on the occasion of the United Nations’ Anti-Racism Day. This selection of 23 of his work...

We are looking for participants for the YOUTH EXCHANGE ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’

YOUTH EXCHANGE ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’ October 2016, 11th( arrival)-20th(departure) LITHUANIA  5 young people (18-25 years old) + 1 group leader (no age limit) per country  Person attending APV will have to attend as a group leader  All the oth...

Press invitation

  Press invitation to European Networking Conference on Equal Access and Volunteering of Migrants, Minorities and Refugees in Sport (25. – 26. November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary) The Mahatma Ghandi Human Rights Organization (MGHRO) is pleased to invite you to the 2016 European Networking Conference on Equal Access and Volunteering of Migr...