
Conference on Volunteering and Migration Mapped Out Volunteer Activities for Refugees in Central Europe

    A number of representatives of organizations working with migrants, professionals, state officials as well as volunteers helping refugees participated in the conference Volunteering and migration – from good to the best stories took place in Ljublana on 11th and 12th May 2017. The main aim of the conference was sharing the experience and good practice of working volunteers to provide... »

Art Forms Join Forces Against Racism in Budapest for Anti-Racism Day

Roundtable talks, a film screening and the opening of an art exhibition with live music were on offer at the joint event of three Hungarian NGOs on the occasion of the UN Anti-Racism Day on 21 March 2017 at the European Youth Centre Budapest, a regular location for NGO-s to host Human Rights related events. The UN declared 21 March the international day for the elimination of racial discrimination... »

Péter Nyári Sárkány’s Solo Painting Exhibition

. . On 21 March, 2017, Péter Nyári Sárkány’s solo painting exhibition was opened at the European Youth Centre Budapest, as part of an event organized on the occasion of the United Nations’ Anti-Racism Day. This selection of 23 of his works, evoking a viewpoint at the crossings of multiple religious and cultural identities, is on view until 21 April. Péter Nyári Sárkány, a Hungarian pai... »

Prague conference on the role of media and propaganda in refugee crisis was a success

Prague, 30 January 2017 On 26th and 27th January, an international conference on the role of media, journalists and propaganda during the so-called refugee crisis took place in Prague’s conference centre Evropský dům. The conference was attended by approximately a hundred participants, consisting of professionals, politicians, journalists, students, pedagogues or state officials working with migra... »

Gyakornokot keresünk! – Rendezvényszervező

TÉGED KERESÜNK?  Jelentkezz gyakornoknak a Szubjektív Értékek Alapítványhoz!  Ha részese szeretnél lenni egy lendületes, vidám csapatnak, kreatív vagy, és lépést tudsz tartani az olykor felgyorsult munkanapokkal, akkor TE VAGY A MI EMBERÜNK! Olyan lelkes főiskolásokat, egyetemistákat, pályakezdőket keresünk, akik a rendezvényszervező szakmában szeretnének elhelyezkedni, gyakorlatban használható ta... »

Press Release: Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees in in Sport Conference kicked-off today

By Marcell Lőrincz November 25, 2016 Budapest, Hungary – More than 70 delegates from sport and football organisations, human right NGOs, public insitutions and universities met to today in Budapest to discuss ways of using sport to integrate migrants and refugees. »

Press invitation

  Press invitation to European Networking Conference on Equal Access and Volunteering of Migrants, Minorities and Refugees in Sport (25. – 26. November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary) The Mahatma Ghandi Human Rights Organization (MGHRO) is pleased to invite you to the 2016 European Networking Conference on Equal Access and Volunteering of Migrants, Minorities and Refugees in Sport. The confer... »

Call for Presentations: Refugee Crisis and Radical Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe

    Abstract Deadline: October 26, 2016 Conference Dates: November 3-4, 2016 Location: Dialogue Platform Association Budapest 1061, Andrássy út 16, 2nd floor Subjective Values Foundation invites scholars, professionals and students to submit presentation proposals for its conference entitled “Refugee Crisis and Radical Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe.” Despite not being major t... »

Comic-star project started

In a partnership with German-Russian Exchange and with the support of EU-Russia Civil Platform, we started a program for youth to combat their daily problems and clonflicts using comic art as a tool. This is an international continuation of the ongoing “Respect” project – The meetings are held in the youth office of H52 and the particiapting youngsters are e... »

Gyakornokot keresünk

Olyan lelkes főiskolásokat, egyetemistákat, pályakezdőket keresünk, akik ember jogi témák iránt érdeklődnek vagy ilyen területen szeretnének elhelyezkedni, gyakorlatban használható tapasztalatokat szeretnének elsajátítani.  Munkavégzés helyszíne: Budapest Jelentkezni lehet folyamatosan, de legkésőbb 2016. augusztus 31-ig, a email címen.   Az ember jogi témák iránt érdeklő... »

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