
Conference on Volunteering and Migration Mapped Out Volunteer Activities for Refugees in Central Europe

    A number of representatives of organizations working with migrants, professionals, state officials as well as volunteers helping refugees participated in the conference Volunteering and migration – from good to the best stories took place in Ljublana on 11th and 12th May 2017. The main aim of the conference was sharing the experience and good practice of working volunteers to provide... »

Budapest conference on refugee “crisis”

Experts from 11 countries discussed nationalism and xenophobia in Budapest in the context of refugee "crisis". Sixty experts, scholars, students and professionals from 11 countries mostly from Central and Eastern Europe gathered in Budapest on 3 and 4 November to address effects of the "refugee crisis" on the radical and mainstream politics, recent trends of public attitudes to refugees in the reg... »

Műhelybeszélgetés az iszlamofóbiáról

  A Szubjektív Értékek Alapítvány és a Dialógus Platform Egyesület meghívja Önt a „Műhelybeszélgetés az iszlamofóbiáról” című szakmai rendezvényre. Időpont: 2016. október 21., 17:00-18:30 Helyszín: Dialógus Platform Egyesület, Budapest 1061, Andrássy út 16., II. em. A részvétel ingyenes, de előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött. Részvételi szándékát okt. 21. 12:00-ig (dél) jelezze az arpad.bak@szub... »

Call for Presentations: Refugee Crisis and Radical Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe

    Abstract Deadline: October 26, 2016 Conference Dates: November 3-4, 2016 Location: Dialogue Platform Association Budapest 1061, Andrássy út 16, 2nd floor Subjective Values Foundation invites scholars, professionals and students to submit presentation proposals for its conference entitled “Refugee Crisis and Radical Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe.” Despite not being major t... »

Europe for citizens – 6 Refugee Related Conferences Project Launched in Central Europe

Six leading Central European NGOs and a Lithuanian partner Diversity Development Group launched a new project called Debating New Phenomena of Refugee Migration in the Central Europe  The Project aims at bringing together experts and citizens from Eastern and Central EU MS at six conferences in six states to discuss six main new phenomena concerning refugees arising in the seven participating coun... »

Ukrán migráció a visegrádi négyek szemszögéből


Ukrainean asylum seekers in focus

Subjective Values Foundation just joined to a project led by the Human Rights League in Bratislava, which is aiming to do research on people who left Ukraine and trying to stay in V4 countires. The current crisis in our Eastern neighbour is already effecting or region and there is a chance that the flow will even grow in the future. While Hungary is right now facing with a huge wave of refugees ma... »

ECRI made the new country report on Hungary

Hungary: despite positive developments, concerns remain, such as racist violence and the openly anti-Roma, antisemitic, homophobic and xenophobic hate speech of a radical right-wing populist party, says the Council of Europe’s anti-racism commission »

The European Migration Network discussed our initiative

On March 26 Marcell Lőrincz was a guest speaker at EMN meeting in the building of Ministry of Interiors. Mr. Lőrincz described the project “Fostering immigrants’ political participation in nine EU countries” and presented the idea, how Hungary shall give more rights and opportunities to foreigner communities to be more active in the political life. Granting a wider electoral righ... »

Recommendations on foreigners’ political participation

In the framework of the project “Fostering political participation and policy involvement of immigrants in 9 Central and Eastern EU countries” the Subjective Values Foundation did analysis on three different topics and we formulated recommendations with a brief situation description. »

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