Arts and Culture

In commemoration of the Heroes

In commemoration of the Heroes

On the 9th of November Subjective Values Foundation had a very successful event in honor of the international antifascist day at the Europe Point in Millinaris Park. This day is remembered as the “Kristallnacht” in Germany, regarding the events that took place in 1938. The event started at 18:00 o’clock and was organized due to a commemoration of the Hungarian heroes. That night we remembered Raou... »

A movie night at the DocuArt

A movie night at the DocuArt

On the 8th of November Szubjektiv Foundation organized a free movie night at the DocuArt. The event had a nice conversation with the director Erika Szanto, on the life and work of Sztehlo Gabor. After that the movie “Blessed is the match” by Roberta Grossman was shown on the screen. The movie was in English with Hungarian subtitles because the audience that came was mix of Hungarians and foreign p... »

Volunteer program at Sziget festival

Volunteer program at Sziget festival

Önkéntesek a Sziget Fesztiválon from Szubjektiv on Vimeo. »

Photo competition – deadline extension!

Photo competition – deadline extension!

It is still possible to apply to our photo competition. New deadline: 17th September 2012! More details here! »

Intercultural communication through the lens of camera

Intercultural communication through the lens of camera

Photo competition Deadline: 15th of June 2012 announces juried nation photo competition on May 20, 2012. European project ‘Perspectives’ founded by the European integration fund, is focused to raise a voice of immigrants living here in Hungary and presents its materials around the idea of immigration and related themes. The theme of the competition, ’Intercultural communication th... »

Professional Translator-journalist Wanted!

Professional Translator-journalist Wanted!

Professional Translator-journalist Wanted! If you are looking to contribute to the Europe-wide project and work in the international environment.There is an opened position for a journalist to translate articles from English to Hungarian  of immigrants living here in Hungary .Please, send us a pdf or word document of your CV and your recent work (preferably published) to perspektivak@szubjektiv.or... »

International Cultural Project Call

International Cultural Project Call

The Foundation of Subjective Values, in Budapest is looking for partners for a collaborative project of the European Cultural Foundation. The project aims to provide reliable and unique information about contemporary culture through collaborative workshops and by developing artistic guided tours in 7 major European cities. We are looking for strong reliable partners that are competent in local con... »

Turks and Arabs in Budapest

Turks and Arabs in Budapest

The Foundation of Subjective Values was also represented at the Colours Festival on April 14 in Budapest at the cinema Odeon Lloyd. The cultural project is aiming to raise awareness about the integration efforts of immigrants in Hungary. This time the Turkish and Arab communities were in focus. The moderator of the discussions Marcell Lőrincz underlined the fact, that immigrants in Hungary are usu... »

Media4us journalism workshops

Media4us journalism workshops

Are you a Third Country National IMMIGRANT? Interested in Journalism? Then why not to join the Media4us journalism workshops now!  The workshop is going to be held on 30th of  March at Europe Point from 10:00 to 18:00. Address: Millenáris Park, 1024 Budapest, Lövőház u. 35. For those who are not aware, Media4US2 is the Europe-wide project which is going to be held within years 2011-2012 is focused... »

Media4us project round table discussion

Media4us project round table discussion

Foundation of Subjective Values has invited a number of Third Country National’s organisations to a roundtable conference at our office on, 11th January (Wednesday) 2012, at 10.00 a.m, to discuss an on-going Immigrants’ focused project, called “Media4US2”.Within the time period of December 2011 and November 2012, “Media4US2” project is going to be focused on the role of third country national̵... »

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