Art’n’Go presents Coloured Life @ PÉCS2010

Art’n’Go presents Coloured Life @ PÉCS2010
Art’n’Go presents Coloured Life @ PÉCS2010
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The new project, Art’n’Go, launched in Lille, in September 2009, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union, will provide an opportunity to develop into sustainable productions and to present and promote a cluster of R&R best-practice creative works, representing the richness of cultural diversity within the R&R “family”, at mainstream festivals, between May and August 2011.

These works will be based on original proposals, coming from some of the young artists, who have worked together in previous R&R projects, have shown themselves to be the most motivated and active and who have now become authors, directors and managers of their work.

I am responsible for the coordination of the administration of this international project, on behalf of the Sziget Cultural Management Office.

(photo: Fathir Ismail)

1 Comment

  1. You have shed a ray of snuhisne into the forum. Thanks!

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