
Ukrainean asylum seekers in focus

Subjective Values Foundation just joined to a project led by the Human Rights League in Bratislava, which is aiming to do research on people who left Ukraine and trying to stay in V4 countires. The current crisis in our Eastern neighbour is already effecting or region and there is a chance that the flow will even grow in the future. While Hungary is right now facing with a huge wave of refugees ma... »

ECRI made the new country report on Hungary

Hungary: despite positive developments, concerns remain, such as racist violence and the openly anti-Roma, antisemitic, homophobic and xenophobic hate speech of a radical right-wing populist party, says the Council of Europe’s anti-racism commission »

Hate-crime seminar in Strasbourg

Marcell Lőrincz – head of the Subjective Values Foundation was participating at the ECRI (European Commission against Racism and Intolerance) seminar on May 28-29 in Strasbourg in the Palace of Europe, where reducing the latency of hate crimes were discussed among of European equality bodies and international civil society organisation. In the representation of ENAR (European Network Against... »

The European Migration Network discussed our initiative

On March 26 Marcell Lőrincz was a guest speaker at EMN meeting in the building of Ministry of Interiors. Mr. Lőrincz described the project “Fostering immigrants’ political participation in nine EU countries” and presented the idea, how Hungary shall give more rights and opportunities to foreigner communities to be more active in the political life. Granting a wider electoral righ... »

Recommendations on foreigners’ political participation

In the framework of the project “Fostering political participation and policy involvement of immigrants in 9 Central and Eastern EU countries” the Subjective Values Foundation did analysis on three different topics and we formulated recommendations with a brief situation description. »

Clean IT project

Experienced by an earlier cooperation with Germany and United Kingdom in the preceding project “Exploring the Islamist extremist web of Europe”, the Netherlands submitted a project proposal called “Clean IT”. The project was started in June 2011 with the financial support of the European Commission and five government partners: from Belgium (Coordination Unit for Threat Analysis), Germany (Federal... »