With the support of the Council of State Support to NGOs under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Foundation of Subjective Values has initiated a project “Sharing Best Practices in Fundamental Rights in Hungary and Azerbaijan” in order to bring the civil society actors of these countries together.
April 1-4, 2014 delegation of civil society actors from Azerbaijan travelled to Budapest, Hungary to meet with the organizations, officials working in the field of Fundamental Rights. Non-governmental organizations of both countries working in the field of fundamental rights had the chance to learn, share experiences, build network for future cooperation. Following were in the scope of fundamental rights subject: women’s rights, children’s rights, rights of people with disabilities, minority rights, anti-racism, intercultural dialogue and interfaith dialogue.
The Council of State Support to NGOs under the
Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CSSN-AZ)
Research of Social Rights Public Union
“World of Law” Public Union for Promotion of Law
Young Democratic Reformers Union
Healthy Development and Education’ Public Union
Azerbaijani Bulgarian Friendship Association
“Eternal Flame” Public Union of Cultural Relations
International Diaspora Centre
Society of Disabled Women
The National NGO Forum of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan IDP-Refugee Organization
NAYORA – National Assembly of Youth Organizations in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Foundation of Subjective Values
National and Family Policy Institute of the Government
Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights
Menedék - Hungarian Association for Migrants
International Organization for Migration
Minority Rights Group Europe
ERRC – European Roma Rights Centre
FSZK – Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities
Scottish Reformed Church in Hungary
Catholic Home for Children with Vision Impairment
Artemisszió - For Intercultural Communication
NANE – Women’s Rights Association